Please contact the Notary directly for address location and direction.
Destaneigh Lynn Catron - DCA
Capital Partners
3721 Douglas Blvd., Suite 350 - Roseville, CA 95661
Tel.:(916)218-5671 / Fax:(916)960-5360
Exp.: 03/10/2008
Lynette M Gooch, CSA -
Gooch Gardens Notary, Plus!
805 Douglas Blvd., #130 - Roseville, CA. 95678
Telephone: 916-995-3429 - Fax: 916-773-2056
Dara Hazen - Mobile Notary Public
1437 Everett Way / Roseville, CA. 95747
Tel.: 916-416-0660 / Fax: 916-965-7777
Robert A. Kotch - Professional Notary Public
2431 Aberdeen Lane / Eldorado Hills, CA. 95762
Cell.:(925)858-8720 / Tel.:(916)941-8376
Gretchen Ruth Valencia - Mobile
1900 South Cirby #38 / Roseville, CA. 95661