Please contact the Notary directly for address location and direction.
Norma Alabi-Dominguez - Mobile
Notary Public
Sunland, CA 91040
Tel.:(818)815-8616 - Exp.: Jan. 15, 2009.
Eleana Burroughs -
Realtor / Notary Public
Century 21 Crest
8307 Foothill Blvd. / Sunland, CA 91040
Tel.: 818-335-6567 - Fax: 818-951-1859
Dionysus E. Jackson
Sunland, CA 91040
Katherene M. Francis
10323 Whitegate Ave. / Sunland, CA. 91040
Rosicella Joplin
11028 Eldora Avenue / Sunland, CA. 91040
Tel.: (818) 612-4393 - Fax:(818) 353-5489